Get Ready for AI.

We empower affordable housing organizations to grow, scale, and find efficiencies with artificial intelligence.

You're in good hands:

At The Strategic Edge, we develop AI strategy, evaluate AI readiness, educate teams about AI, and prioritize AI roadmaps - all to create a 10X improvement.

At The Strategic Edge, we develop AI strategy, evaluate AI readiness, educate teams about AI, and prioritize AI roadmaps - all to create a 10X improvement.

AI Advisory Services
for Affordable Housing

The Strategic Edge offers the following advisory services on a one-time or ongoing basis:

The Strategic Edge offers the following advisory services on a one-time or ongoing basis:

AI Education & Enablement

Our team brings expertise in creating & delivering educational presentations, courses, and content on AI for everyone across your organization - even your board.

AI Readiness Evaluation

Our team will partner with you to assess your AI readiness across your business processes and technical stack - then provide deep insights & recommendations for your AI roadmap.

AI Strategy Development

Our team utilizes proven frameworks to develop and align your AI strategy with your organizational goals and objectives - then implements key metrics & KPIs to track progress.

How We Partner Together

Working with us is simple, strategic, and focused on results:

Book a Call

In 15 minutes, we’ll dive into your vision, challenges, and AI opportunities.

Align Scope

We'll define the steps ahead. You’ll get a clear outline, proposal, and timeline.

Partner Together

We embed in your culture, working alongside your teams to inspire & educate.

Measure Impact

Together, we’ll track milestones, outcomes, and the ROI of your AI journey.

We're Aligned to the Mission.

The challenges facing your team aren't easy to solve.
With collaboration and trust, we can fix the connections between your people, processes, and policies to unlock 10X outcomes.


While we believe in the power of technology, we're focused on enabling & educating people so we work better together.

While we believe in the power of technology, we're focused on enabling & educating people so we work better together.


We build for connection & standardization across the ecosystem, then implement to organization-specific needs.

We build for connection & standardization across the ecosystem, then implement to organization-specific needs.


We invest in our community and find that when we share ideas & outcomes with each other, we get the best result.

We invest in our community and find that when we share ideas & outcomes with each other, we get the best result.

We Are Housing-Focused.

With more than two decades in rental housing, our team does the job hands-on,
just like you.

With more than two decades in rental housing, our team does the job -

just like you.


& Operators

AI Education

Readiness Assessment

GenAI Implementation

Insights Collaboration


& Investors

CRE & AI Education

Predictive Analytics

Investment Forecasting

Data & Insights Sharing


& CRETech

CRE & AI Education

Platform Integration

GTM Strategy & Evaluation

Data & Insights Sharing

Ready for AI?

Let's uncover the opportunities to solve your headaches and unlock the power of 10X in your rental housing organization.

Let's uncover the opportunities to solve your headaches and unlock the power of 10X in your rental housing organization.

Let's uncover the opportunities to solve your headaches and unlock the power of 10X in your rental housing organization.

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Sign up to our mailing list below and be the first to know about new updates. Don't worry, we hate spam too.